Friday, January 21, 2011

Plains, trains and.. motorcycles?

I have a nephew; actually I have 3 nephews, but 2 of them I haven't yet met. Nathan and Matthias leave in Europe (England and Poland to be exact) and my handsome nephew Dylan leaves in Memphis. He is an awesome little boy. Full of energy, cute as a button and you just want to pick him up and hug him all day. To which is very likely will say "Auntie Andi I am too old for your hugs!"  Dylan loves airplanes. Living in Memphis, which is the hub to FedEx, my sister and brother-in-law often take him to watch FedEx planes take off and land. Every time I visit, the first question I hear "so Auntie Andi, did you fly a jumbo jet here???" (From Iowa of course.) Thinking of Dylan I was inspired to make some transportation related cookies...plains, trains, spaceships and motorcycles.

1 comment:

  1. Your sister sent me the link to your blog and I just have to tell you that your cookies are AMAZING!! I wish, wish, wish I had this kind of ability. Dylan is a lucky nephew!
